Asia | Emerging Markets | Equities | FX | Global | UK
Asia | Emerging Markets | Equities | FX | Global | UK
When evaluating the performance of our momentum models we are considering the average performance across the one-, three-, and 12-month momentum models.
Market Implications
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When evaluating the performance of our momentum models we are considering the average performance across the one-, three-, and 12-month momentum models.
Nikkei and DAX equity momentum models shifted bearish having done the same on the S&P 500 last week. They remain heavily bullish on the FTSE-100.
Meanwhile, rates momentum models have flipped bullish on Gilts having turned less bearish on them last week. Henry sees value in owning the front-end of the curve, receiving February 2024 MPC-Dated SONIA (target: 0bp) and being long the March 2024 SONIA future (target: 94.80).
Turning to FX, momentum models have flipped bullish EUR/CHF which aligns with Ben and Richard’s latest trade and flipped bearish EUR/SEK though Ben claims the reason for this is misleading market participants. With signals otherwise unchanged, we remain bullish on USD by being long USD vs EUR, CHF and GBP in G10 and long USD vs INR and TWD in EM.
Model Performance
Rates momentum models (+1.5% WoW) remained the best performing models over the past week with FX (+0.2% WoW) the other positive performer, on average. The same order follows over a three-month time frame, too: rates (+4.5%), FX (+0.1%), equity (-2.6%).
*The basic strategy is to use returns (lookback windows) to give buy/sell signals. So, if the US stocks are up over the past 3 months, you buy, otherwise, you sell (note I use excess returns).
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