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Asia | Emerging Markets | Equities | FX | Global | UK
When evaluating the performance of our momentum models we are considering the average performance across the one-, three-, and 12-month momentum models.
Market Implications
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When evaluating the performance of our momentum models we are considering the average performance across the one-, three-, and 12-month momentum models.
Equity momentum models shifted to signal S&P 500 underperformance (versus Nikkei, DAX and FTSE-100), though this sits against Viresh’s bias for European equities to underperform US equities. The S&P 500 needs to trade at fresh year lows for momentum models to turn heavily bearish.
Meanwhile, rates momentum models remain heavily bearish on USTs and comparatively less bearish on Gilts. We had shared a similar sentiment, by paying 1Y1Y US OIS vs (rec) 1Y1Y SONIA, but having gained 162bps on the trade, we rotate to outright paying US 1Y1Y with our target at 5.0% following the Fed’s September pause (Dominique’s FOMC review)
Turning to FX, momentum models have flipped bearish EUR/CHF and USD/CAD. This contrasts with our view that recent CHF strength may fade which Bilal sees value in trading as part of a basket (short EUR, CHF, GBP) against USD. We like the bullish USD theme against particular EM, too; Mirza adds long USD/TWD to go alongside his long USD/INR trade.
Rates momentum models (+0.2% WoW) proved the best performing model over the past week with no model registering a loss, on average. It is the best model over a three-month time frame, too (+2.5%). Equity (-2.2%) and FX momentum models (-0.1%) both registered losses through the period.
*The basic strategy is to use returns (lookback windows) to give buy/sell signals. So, if the US stocks are up over the past 3 months, you buy, otherwise, you sell (note I use excess returns).
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