John was previously Head of Macro Strategies at Record Currency Management Inc., an $80billion currency manager. Prior to that John was Chairman and CIO of Floyd Plus CurrencyFund, for which Record maintained his track record rebranded as the Record Dynamic MacroCurrency Only “Risk Off” Strategy. John’s successful track record in both macro and currency only investing spans over 25 years. The Record Dynamic Macro Currency Only “Risk Off” Strategy/Floyd Plus CurrencyFund has had one of the longest and best risk-adjusted returns in the currency only and riskoff product universe. John was previously a Senior Macro Proprietary Trader at DeutscheBank and Senior Portfolio Manager at the highly successful $3bn dollar Swiss Bank CurrencyFund. John has collaborated with psychiatrist, trading coach and best-selling author Ari Kiev which led to organizing a series of lectures at Deutsche Bank and participation in writing his book, The Psychology of Risk: Mastering Market Uncertainty.